Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two new videos!!

Watch me put on my usual routine of makeup with a bare-faced me on the side for comparison!

Haul video of my purchases from F21 and Topshop.

I've been a hardworking youtuber LOL!!

Please support by subscribing ok!!


DO IT! It's my freaking birthday today and I demand it!!

I think I'd have an awesome birthday weekend (it has already started yesterday :D). I'd blog about it soon with peektures!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pizza Hut's 30th Anniversary


Woohoo!!! Was invited to Pizza Hut's 30th anniversary food tasting session where some bloggers and I had a first chance to try out their new menu which includes 25 new recipes!

(My first session with Pizza hut HERE)

6 new appertizers, 3 new pastas, 6 new Western favourites, 1 new baked rice, 2 new pizzas, 5 new beverages and 2 new desserts! So exciting.

I went there a very hungry girl and came out with my stomach almost exploding. Here are pics of some of my favourites:

Had an Emerald Sparkle which is just a creative name for my apple soda. Coz I was craving green apple that day! Refreshing and fizzy with little cubes of apple in it. :D

Stupid Huiwen snapped a pic of me as I was taking off my invisalign. LOL

After an unglam photo must post a pretty photo

We were all treated to the Pizza Hut staff dancing - then finally... FOOD!

Bruschetta with tomatoes and bruschetta with mushrooms

Crispy garlicky butter toast is the way to start!! 
Especially love the mushroom one. Definitely a more creative choice.

Gobbling coz I was SO hungry. But I was responsible enough to stop mid-bite for a picture.

Thick fries on dips, served with a grilled cheese sauce and a salsa!!

Fries might be common and boring but imho it is very difficult to get perfect fries!! These were piping hot and crispy, and I LOVEEEEEE the cheese sauce! Even asked for a second helping of it. It seemed like everyone loves the cheese - the other sauce was kinda neglected.

Hut's Platter - what can I say?

Fried food's always good. The sweet n' spicy drumlets are definitely the star though. Also included are criss-cut fries, calamari and tempura prawns. I love the prawns!  Great for sharing or if you like variety in your appetitzers.

Hot favourite! Cheesy mushrooms!

The mushrooms were super juicy and almost bursts in your mouth!
Combined with melty slightly burnt cheese. Awesome.

My favourite of the day has to be the Cheesy mussels... Succulent mussels hidden under a thick layer of cheese and the little extra touch of bacon. Gone within seconds!

I love how the shell is like a spoon so you can slurp up the rest of the juices/leftover cheese after eating the mussel itself.

Here's a pic of  "Lady" Iron Chef  (Brad) taking a pic of our next dish, the Hut's Chicken Steak.

Hate him and his $3,000++ sibeh pro camera putting my poor LX3 to shame!!!!!!! Don't like this lah everyone also blogger why you so professional!!

Don't believe me? Here's MY picture, taken with a $800 (2 years ago) camera:

It looks ok... Not terrible but meh...

And here's Brad's... I WANNA RAPE THAT CHICKEN!! Ffffffffuuuu

Don't say it's skills ok!!!! Brad helped me take a picture with my camera and it also looks sucky so it's the equipment!!

I can't be bothered to describe the chicken coz that photo does all the selling.

Seafood fiesta baked rice

For cheese and tomato sauce lovers. It tastes kinda unique coz it's a little sweet with pineapples inside. Full of mussels, prawns and calamari!

Huiwen photobombing me

Finally a pizza!!!!!!!

Captain's Catch Pizza!

Super creative with potato chips on it!! This pizza has a generous amount of fried fish (like 炸鱼片) on it too. The sauce is kinda creamy and cheesy. Definitely something special unlike your usual pizzas!

Huiwen snapping a pic of me replenishing lip gloss. What? Must look good in photos what! Remember lipgloss cannot be photoshopped!


Choco-Berry Banana Dessert Pizza!!

When we all ate this we thought it was just a biscuit under the fruits but it's real pizza!! Sprinkled with chocolate sauce, strawberries and bananas. I love those two fruits!!

So that concludes my blog entry... If you wanna try any of these, head out to any one of the 24 Pizza Hut outlets islandwide!

Hope I didn't make any of you too hungry!

Happy 30th birthday Pizza Hut!

Click click: PIZZAHUT.COM.SG

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Video tutorial + Camwhoring pictures!

Angelababy inspired make up!!

Numbered for your easy commenting. I am so considerate.

I look so different with brown hair wtf... I've been blonde too long to get used to this.

Love the quality of the photos and the video (In HD omg professional much?)!

Taken with my new Panasonic GH1 camera! If you recall in THIS entry it was the camera I wanted to buy long ago but decided not to coz I didn't do videos then. I was like PAH! HD VIDEOS WHO NEEDS THEM? And now I do... Moron.

And now I have a hugeass DSLR sitting around unused and unloved. Guess I'd sell it whenever I can be bothered to.

Thanks for the support on the subscriptions and nice comments left! I freaking love you guys!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Morbid post of the day

Don't know if you guys have heard of this incredible news yet but apparently, a Bangladeshi worker (Din is his name) was trapped in a container with another Bangladeshi worker for 9 whole days!

The news report that after a few days, worker 2, who was like 40 years old, collapsed and died, leaving Din to deal with his increasingly horrific stench (inconsiderate!) as the container went ahead to get shipped to Vietnam.

Apparently the smell was so bad it knocked out the people who heard Din banging on the container and opened it. Ok fine it didn't knock them out but they had to like take a few steps back or something.

How did they get trapped in the first place?

Coz in the middle of their work shift they decided to go take a smoke break and nap in the container.

"Then we just slept and we didn't know that the container had been picked up and transported onto the ship. By the time we woke up, we were probably already on the ship," Din was quoted. (Source The Newpaper)

Din was found naked and dehydrated.


I don't know about you guys but I am so freaking fascinated by this news. There are so many unanswered questions!

Maybe I am sick or something but the first thing I thought about was... Did Din drink the blood and eat the flesh of his friend? I don't mean to label him as a crazyass cannibal or something but after a few days without water and food, people can go crazy and desperate, right?

And can we even survive 9 whole days without food or water? I tried to google and the answer ranges from 3 - 14 days without water, depending on conditions.

Question 2... Did Din maybe kill his friend?

Or maybe the friend tried to kill Din but Din won the fight? Is it ok to kill for survival? I mean, after my 1st day of being trapped there I'd probably start the "Why did you ask me to sleep in a bloody container?" argument. I'd start punching people.

How the FUCK can someone get trapped in a container????????????

I don't mean like "Oh didn't he just fall asleep in there?" I mean like... there are so many steps to that tragedy finally happening!

First, who the fuck suggested sleeping in a bloody container and why did the other person think it is a good idea??? Containers get shipped, it's pretty obvious right?

And secondly, did they seriously close the door of the container to go sleep?

Is it even possible for the container doors to be closed from the inside?

Trying to figure out the doors

Why would ANYONE close the container doors upon themselves to nap? It is so claustrophobic and scary!

They MUST have closed the door themselves coz if it's open, then whoever is closing the doors would have seen them and asked them to get out, right? And the bolting of the many locks must have woken them up?


No, really. Din claimed when they woke up they were already probably on the ship.

"What you mean I'm now on a ship?"

Is it even possible that when you are on a short and light nap, you don't jerk awake in panic when your bed MOVES, suspended on a crane???? And it's not like the freaking container is a comfy place to sleep in wtf... Unless the container contained king koil mattresses.

Speaking of which, what was in that container? They wouldn't have shipped it empty, right? If you had to survive in a container for 9 days with a rotting corpse what would you wish the container was shipping? Can only choose one item. I choose... OK I can't decide I guess some kind of watery food maybe canned soup? Or a gas mask. Or maybe pistols so I can kill myself.


Moral of the story 1) Don't take naps when you are paid to be working.

Moral of the story 2) Don't fall asleep in containers.

Moral of the story 3) Always have a cellphone with you.



Do you smell that? It’s the smell of victory for ME! :) I’m still winning!

Tell everyone you know to get on FB and ‘Like’ their page to vote for me! I wanna win Kumar and Polly!



POSTNOTE: Mystery solved. The bangalas were high on WEED!!!!!! I'd say he probably ate his friend then coz the corpse would have tasted good.

Smoking weed during work and taking a nap... Now nobody has any sympathy for them at all. Fucking lazyasses.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Joining Youtube!

Check out my first vlog on youtube ever!!

100% edited and shot by myself so be gentle!!

Watch it coz I will give away something AWESOME... And sparkly. Plus I show you guys my teeth after my Invisalign attachments are taken out! :D

HERE is my Youtube page!!

Please subscribe k right now I have 538 subscribers and it is really embarrassing. LOL

p/s: Interested in getting Invisalign? My dentist is awesome and he is from Orchard Scotts Dental. You can call them at 67329939

p/p/s: Hey readers! I’m still killing it! Get your friends and their friends to ‘Like’ the GMP page and then vote for yours truly of course! :p


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New video!

I don't believe myself!!!

During my 4 day work trip for a Pixar Car 2 press junket in San Francisco, I actually had 1 whole free day so guess what I did?

I took a 1 hour plane ride to LA to meet Michelle (Phan)!

It may not sound like much but it is actually really out of character of me to be so spontaneous and adventurous! What? It's scary to go to airports alone! What if Michelle plays me out? What if I get lost? It's much easier to just lie around in a comfy hotel bed!

But as it turns out she didn't play me out and in fact woke up at like 7am to bring me shopping and dining!! She's awesome.

And we filmed a little haul video which she super efficiently put on her youtube page wtf... Talk about workaholic...

Just one photo coz I'm gonna be blogging about my SF trip soon and will post more then!

Oh btw I don't know if you can tell from the photo but Michelle has like BROWN eyes. I know it sounds creepy like wtf am I doing looking into her eyes but seriously they are not the darkish brown sort but really light brown! Very chio lah!! She says she's the only one among her siblings (or family, I forgot what she said) who got it. (I asked coz I thought maybe it's a common thing for Viets to have brown eyes??) So lucky!! Bitch doesn't need coloured lens!!

Oh and this video is probably the first video posted post nose job. I love it so much!!! Too bad I could never kiss my own nose, haha!

Ok blog more soon, toodles!