Monday, November 29, 2010

Camqueen of the Year Crowned


Don't know if you guys saw this advert I did for the CamQueen of the Year contest?

Now the contest is finally over and can I say WOW???????

It was definitely a smash hit among Singaporean youth!! The contest generated 4.5 MILLION page views and 400,000 votes cast via facebook!!

Of course, it was a very interesting contest where contestants were urged to send in a photo of themselves before and after a makeover, so everyone was trying to prove that they can doll themselves up the best. And I must say among the contestants were many brave souls who put up their photos at... erm, well not their best. All for the prize of $5,000!

After a super fierce competition, the final winner was crowned *drumroll*:

And she is Tammy Tay!!

In case you are wondering why there's only one photo and the "after" is mysteriously replaced by bottles of Vitamin Orange/Lemon, it is not coz after her makeover Tammy looks like that. It's coz it's a...


Surprise! The contest was not judged by how drastically different your makeover made you look, but by your "before" photo. Yes, proving people can look beautiful even in their bare skin.

Like me with no makeup muahaha OK lah fine I did use some photoshopping.

Of course, health is the foundation of all beauty, and you can't be beautiful without being healthy!

Which is why Tammy was chosen, coz her glow and bright eyes say good health :)

Yes I love my make up and all my fake things ie false eyelashes and implants etc, but I also believe that having great skin (and teeth and hair actually) is the most basic rule to looking beautiful.

If you want glowy bright skin - Vitamin C is super vital.

Which can be sought from You c1000 vitamin C drinks!

The powerful little bottles contain a whooping 1000mg of vitamin C each, which your body desperately needs to produce collagen, fight signs of aging, stronger bones and teeth etc. Hiyah the health benefits of Vitamin C is super a lot lah can't be bothered to list them all out. It's awesome that's all!

The worst thing is our body does not retain or produce Vitamin C, which means you need to ingest appropriate amounts of it everyday!

And the easiest (and yummiest) way to to drink loads of You c1000. :D

When I was sick recently I drank like seriously 7 bottles in a day. Helped me recover fast! It's your best friend when you are beginning to fall sick I tell you.

Remember to get your Vitamin C for today!

Wow I'm addicted to the game on the website -_- ... Oh and also, You c1000 will be launching a new APPLE flavour soon!!

I'm excited to try!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rapunzel Press Junket

Ok this is my favourite song from the Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale soundtrack - sang by Mandy Moore! I embedded it so that you can play the song while you read this post so got more AMBIENCE!!! LOL

So anyway here are the pics from when I went to California to watch Rapunzel way before you mere mortals (MUAHAHA) and to interview the stars!!!

I am in no way paid to write this so it's not an advert.

Flew SQ to LAX... I had a great flight there!

Press stayed at Disneyland Hotel. It's nice!

Day One... Michelle (Phan) came over and we were experimenting with the make-up + costumes etc for the next day's filming (watch video if you haven't already). Before we could finish gossiping I had to leave for the screening of the movie.

I give it... 4.8 stars upon 5!!!!!!!

Rapunzel is my favourite freaking princess!!! OK I might be a shade biased coz I like her long blonde hair. But she's funny and cheerful and just super cute and likeable. The 'prince', for once, is not a goody two shoes handsome dummy but smart and funny and is a... thief! AND HE IS SO HANDSOME WTF.

My favourite in the show HAS to be Pascal the chameleon though. Even though it's mute, it communicates all its emotions through exaggerated expressions and the changing of colours!! CUTE MAX!!

The movie is very fast-paced and makes you laugh, cry (I cried twice especially when I see the King's sad face wtf) and gasp in wonder at the beautifully animated lantern scene. Thousands of floating lanterns in 3D and some are floating towards you!! You can help but wanna try to grab it but end up looking quite idiotic grasping air.

I don't like the villain though... Mother Gothel is damn irritating!!!

The songs are just fantastic too. Who knew Mandy Moore had such a princessy voice??

I didn't really like Princess and the Frog (the last Disney princess movie - poor people... meh) but Rapunzel far outstrips it. It deviates quite a bit from the original Brothers Grimm tale but I love how they changed it. :)

Overall it's super enjoyable. I think everyone should go watch it. All the reviews I've read so far are raving about it.

Day 2 I set out to interview the voice actors and directors!!

Up till today I can't believe I met and spoke to real Hollywood stars wtf!!!

Attire for the day

Woke up super early so I decided to camwhore first!

Oh Pascal, how I love you!! 

So happy they gave us a Pascal toy each. 
Got red and blue Pascals but obviously green is the nicest!! 
(Coz red is angry and blue is sad)

Halloween themed disney


LOL more

They just can't get his nose right!! Oh wait this one's ok. Hahaha

Press pass

Waiting for my turn inside the stripey tent. There were many (real) tv hosts there too. A lot of pretty girls! *stressed max, not real reporter

Escorted to interview the directors first. They were hidden behind the black cloth!

I'd soon be sitting in that chair talking to them

Yes they are guys doing a princess movie!

Interviewing Donna Murphy who is the voice actress for Mother Gothel. She's hiding inside!

And done... Next up is Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi!!




Hahahha... I didn't manage to get pics with the rest of the cast coz we only had a very very limited precise 4 minutes with each group. When I reached Mandy and Zachary I smartened up and skipped the manager to ask the stars directly for a pic while my mic was being fastened.

They were of course really nice (impressive since they were being asked the same questions over and over again since early in the morning I bet) and chirpy and said yes!! Even told me to stand in between them wtf.

I didn't know what I expected but of course there was no paparazzi and there were about 10 people with them, some handling cameras others handling other admin duties etc. It was... strangely normal.

And they were... human. Just like me!!

When I left the manager shouted at me and said "You know you were not allowed to take pictures with them."

I was mortally afraid she'd ask me to delete (I might beg) but she left it at that. Suck on it bitch I got the pic hahahaha! On a side note Mike very angry that Zachary had his hand on my shoulder -_-

Interested to watch the interviews?? Check out the Clicknetwork video HERE!!

I was done for the day!! Back to hotel... Where I met:

Pluto Goofy!! Geez I can't believe I couldn't remember if this is Pluto or Goofy. Getting OLD!

Michelle already arrived at the hotel and she was preparing for filming!!

And I must camwhore with my completed look!!

I don't care what all the naysayers say, I think the 
make up she and I created really looks like Rapunzel's!!

Anyway my camera's soft skin mode got rid of all my drawn on freckles so I had to put more on with photoshop.

With Michelle!

I hate her** her skin is so nice and her nose is so small and her teeth are so white!!! Why so chio?? *Cue Wa meng ti wa meng ti song*

** Michelle's haters are very dumb and would take it literally so just to clarify, that was sarcasm.

Disney princesses FTW

Ok last of the camwhoring shots

Here's Michelle lying on the bed posting up the pictures we took. So efficient!

After that we went for dinner at a restaurant nearby...

Erm I only took one miserable picture of my soup...

And one more of Michelle drinking the same thing.

She changed her blue contacts to brown coz she didn't like the blue ones but she went out with Ariel's red eyebrows!! HAHAHHA She's damn funny love her!!


Ok this is the end of the pictures from the trip. But because I loved the movie so much, I got inspired to draw some of the stills!!

When I was young (like 10, 11), I used to draw Disney Princesses all the freaking time. My favourite was Ariel!! I remember I had her bedsheets and I drew pictures of the tiny Ariels on the sheets. It was so fun!!!

And I have not drawn anything in like a billion years - forgot how much I enjoyed doing it.

So I just took up a pencil and some blue-tack - just to explain I didn't have an eraser, but blue-tack works too - and started doodling:

What do you think?

Original HERE. I drew it while looking at the original on the computer. It's not traced.

I know right? All this time you thought I was some talentless bimbo.

p/s: Read this again but super fast so you end before the song does HAHAHA

p/p/s: I am deleting all comments from now on comparing my looks and Michelle's. We are not twins, not even same race - no need to compare please. I don't give a shit if you think she looks better or I look better, please keep such tactless opinions to yourself.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Invisalign - the clear choice

Hey the title was a pun!! Geddit?? Coz invisalign is clear?? HAHAHA!! What do you mean it's not funny? -.-

In case you are confused, Invisalign is clear braces to fix your teeth.


I wish... The above image is a LIE. In actual fact the teeth looks like this:

My top row is pretty straight but my bottom is crooked. To be very honest I've always been happy with my teeth. I told myself that my top row is great and nobody fucking looks at the bottom anyway, and it can never be seen in photos anyway.

And somemore the bottom row may be crooked but it's symmatrically crooked!! Hahaha *comforts self*

But after shooting many Guide to Life videos, I've realised that the top thing that people always ask me to fix is my TEETH. Kanina every comment is saying I look like a horse.

Valid enough, because when you talk it's your bottom row that can be seen! Plus I have a super gummy smile too and from side view, I think my mouth juts out like an ape's.

Left: How it is now. Right: How I hope it will be after I fix my teeth.

So yeah!! I want a perfect Hollywood smile!! So fucking white and straight it dulls everyone's teeth in comparison to mine tyvm.

FIXING YOUR TEETH IS THE BEST SORT OF 'PLASTIC SURGERY' YOU CAN GET. Why? Firstly, it makes ALL the difference in the world - better than bigger eyes or a sharper nose. Because a good straight set of dazzling teeth adds class, cleanliness and poise to your appearance!

Think of all undesirable people - hillbillies, inbred people, mutants etc - they all have bad teeth!

Secondly, although I consider it KINDA a form of plastic surgery, NOBODY JUDGES YOU! Nobody ever says "She's so fake" just coz you fixed your teeth. At most they say "Oh her parents must be rich to afford braces". That's all!!

Thirdly, you can't guarantee a perfect nose even after multiple surgeries but with braces, veneers, teeth whitening etc, you can guarantee a PERFECT set of teeth if you, well, have the resources to fix it.

Fourthly, how your teeth aligns affects your jaw, which is actually goddamn heavy and puts a lot of pressure on your neck. It's great for actual medical reasons and can stop headaches and migraine! Also not to mention straight teeth are easier to clean and won't rot so easily.

After starting on Invisalign I've started to notice everyone's teeth around me, and I realised that, erm, most people don't have straight teeth! Even people who did braces before and stopped wearing retainers have gone crooked again. AND another thing? Most people are mildly interested in fixing their teeth but think that they are too old to suffer the humiliation of metal braces...


It's transparent, and it fixes your freaking teeth just like braces.

I am so thankful to get invisalign done with Orchard Scotts Dental! And they are one of the very rare Platinum Elite Providers of invisalign in Singapore, meaning they have done Invisalign for super a lot of patients and are very experienced!!


My dentist is more handsome than your dentist

That's Dr Ronnie Yap getting mic-ed up by Gillian for the next Guide to Life episode on Invisalign!

OK this is his front view showing of his perfect teeth hate him max. I hate everyone with straight teeth now. It's like they are yelling at me "You are genetically flawed!". Whenever Mike smiles at me at I tell him to stop showing off. Stupid. So unfair his teeth is naturally perfectly straight fuck him.

Alright here's how you get started on Invisalign:

First you go for a consultation to see if you are suitable for Invisalign. Most people are suitable actually. Then you get a mold of your teeth done.

Then you pay money. And an impression of your teeth is sent to Align Technology (they do invisalign) in USA where I imagine some dude is using a software kinda like photoshop (except 3D) to twist and push your teeth until they become perfect.

You will then be sent your aligners omg excitement max:

My first aligner

How Invisalign works - You get a set of aligners (I had 19) and wear each aligner for 2 weeks. With each passing aligner your teeth gets pushed straighter and straighter!

"How do I wear this??"

"Just snap it on?"

And done!!!

Aligners are removable at any time so if you don't want them on for a photo session, just snap them off!

And shake! You get more clients (hopefully) and I get hollywood smile!! LOL

Tadah! Can't see a thing.

Wearing the top aligner

The bubble like things are for attachments. Lazy to explain, read this.

To my utmost surprise I had 19 aligners for the top and only 11 for my bottom!! Coz my bottom is crooked and my top is already straight?? But it's coz my top had teeth to be rotated and it also had to be pushed from its current "V" shape to the optimal "U" shape.

You are supposed to see 8-10 teeth when you smile and mine only shows 6! I needed to widen my smile. In contrast Julia Roberts shows 12:

That's a lot of teeth

Here are two videos showing my teeth's progress:

Each tiny jerk is a new aligner!!


How much?

$6k to $8k. It costs a little more than metal braces but it is so much better!! If you can't afford this amount, you can have a per visit installment, or staggered payment. There is also a 0% installment plan with some credit cards but you gotta check with the clinic.


It is. It's teeth-moving, don't kid yourself that it won't hurt. However, I doubt the pain is more than braces and I'm on aligner set 5 now. I can safely say that the pain becomes less and less! It's most painful on day 1 of aligner-changing. The pain is tolerable.

Is it uncomfortable?

No! Almost forget they are there!!

Does it make you lose weight?

Well it did stop me from snacking coz I can't be bothered to take off aligners to snack. Most people say they lost weight but unfortunately I didn't. FML

Braces or Invisalign?

Obviously invisalign! My treatment time is only 10 months (6 for bottom) and it's SUPER FAST!! Most cases are completed within 6-15 months. Plus it's invisible - and best of all, REMOVABLE.

It has to be removed during food intake but it's a tad troublesome coz you have to brush your teeth before putting the aligners back on. Ok, you don't HAVE to, but if you don't brush then it's kinda gross? My oral hygiene confirm improve!

Do I need to extract teeth?

Most cases no. However, there is only one way to find out and that's through a consultation.

Am I eligible? I thought invisalign is only for people with slightly crooked teeth.

NOT TRUE! I've seen many cases where people have damn crooked teeth and still are doing invisalign!! But I can't say for sure, CALL the dentist!

I'm doing braces and they give me ulcurs/are so ugly. Can I switch to invisalign?

Yes you can!!

You can click here for more information!

Any other questions please call


They are really very professional and patient!

Yay to awesome teeth! I can soon smile like that -- :D