Sunday, February 28, 2010

Your Asian Skin Solution!


The largest and most visible organ on our body is our skin, which is why we need to take superb care of it!!

That's why I was happy when Asian Skin Solutions asked me if I would like to try out their O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment!!

(Never too early to start to look good for my wedding teeheehee)

Ok this photo looks more artistic:

Asian Skin Solutions is specially tailored to Asian females, and that's why before my facial treatment, all sorts of questions were asked so that they can better known my skin and give the best sort of treatment to me!

Questions such as the my lifestyle, environmental conditions etc. :D

After my analysis and consultation, I was led into their rooms... Located conveniently at Orchard Central (that's the mall next to 313), they have a spacious corrider at the back where all the treatment rooms are!

The comfy bed I fell asleep on later. -_-

And here I am before the treatment!!
I have no foundation on so you can see all my skin's flaws.

Ok lah here's a clearer view of my face!! I got shitloads of tiny zits on my forehead!

The first step is Double Cleansing!

It's shiok!!!

Anyway there are 8 steps in total.

Second step is the O2 Peel, then the X-lotion Steam!

Here's the bubbling water in the machine for the X-lotion Steam.

At this point I already felt that my skin was super refreshed and light!

Step 4 is Extraction, which is the most unpleasant part of any facials...

Using tools (like metal tools), the therapist will extract clogged white heads/black heads etc from your skin, and squeeze zits! Oh my poor forehead.

Luckily, this process wasn't that painful because the steam already softened my skin and loosened the pores.

It's necessary though coz in the long term clogged pores do bad things to your skin!

Next my therapist did step 5: O2 Spray!

It was very fun coz a jet of pure oxygen was sprayed on my skin!! Very cooling and nice after the extraction. The stream of oxygen was very intense and I imagined all my dead skin cells flying off. LOL!!

Step 6 was a Facial Massage and I could feel myself nodding off... It was so shiok.

And then for Step 7: Double Mask!!!

The therapist spread a super thick and cool paste on my face and zzzzz I have no idea what happened after that coz I fell asleep. Hahaha!

And done!! HAHAHA! My face!

Now for the last step which is my favourite: SHOULDER MASSAGE!!!

Enjoy maximum!!

And this is my AFTER!!

Skin is definitely more glowy and brightened. Totally feels silky smooth, baby-soft and QQ!! It is super hydrated and luminous. :D

After being a satisfied client, I still had presents!! Mad shiok!!

Asian Skin Solutions showed me some of their products, the DK1 line, which is only available with them and nowhere else.

I was given the Dual Revitalize Cleanser (tallest bottle at $98)...

What can I say? Awesome cleanser! Smells very, erm, I guess the only word to describe it is LUXURIOUS!!

After I use it I feel I should use an expensive body wash too. Hahaha!!

The texture is very viscous and smooth. Can be used as a make up remover too!

DK1 Skin Energizing Booster and H20 Lift

The booster is a great serum that will provide immediate lifting effect and help lock in moisture!

The H20 Lift is an excellent moisturizer with the ability to hold 50 times of water to its mass!! What the! Why so amazing one?

Vita Mineral Block 60! ($128)

Sunblock with SPF 60!! It simulates "collagen synthesis", which I have no idea is what but it sounds good.

The texture is very light - water based and not sticky!! If you are looking for the perfect sunblock, can give this a try!




Enjoy an O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment worth $280 at only $28 today!!!

That's the same one I did, and I assure you it's awesome!!!

All you have to do:

Sms AsianXX_FullName_Nric to 83884888 to enjoy O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment at $28 or call 67670077 and mention Xiaxue to enjoy the same deal.

Not finished with the goodies yet!!!

Xiaxue readers get 25% of package deals should they decide to sign up, AND 5% off product prices!!



Terms and Conditions to apply:

- Females only
- 21 and above
- Only for first time customers

p/s: Join Asian Skin Solutions fanpage now on Facebook to be updated on exclusive and latest promotions & to join Asian Skin Solutions Facebook contests!

Asian Skin Solutions will be holding a contest and be searching for a face for Asian Skin Solutions beginning of April. Details to be up in Asian Skin Solutions facebook fanpage end of March. Be a fan of Asian Skin Solutions in facebook to be updated on latest details! Link HERE.

Monday, February 22, 2010

New videos!!


Guide to the casino school!!


The fitness challenge


Fav ep of Numbnuts so far:

Win durian dodgeball, or MAKE OUT WITH A GRANDMA

Blindfolded skateboarding or experience the worst phobia!


Seems pretty self-explanatory

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Camwhoring with the ring light


In case you are not following me on Twitter (DO IT! FOLLOW ME!), you'd have been puzzled as to why the photos on the Magnolia advert below looks so bloody professional and chio!!

That is because I bought a ring light!!

Actually I have no idea what it's called but it's basically studio lighting... In the shape of a ring. Kinda like the bulbs we have on our ceilings but standing!!

You balance the ring light on a tripod, and shoot THROUGH the ring light.

On top of the light, in a never-ending effort to make my adverts more professional (*ahem* also to take camwhoring to the zenith), I also bought a WIRED REMOTE CONTROL for my L10 (the DSLR)!!

SNAP SNAP SNAP!! So easy!!

And you can actually see the ring light REFLECTED IN YOUR EYES!! It's really fun.

So anyway here are some more camwhoring shots I took that night:

This one's my favourite. :)

Anyway there are 3 bonus photos which I found quite priceless. After I set up the ring light and camera, I wanted to see how a portrait photo would turn out so I asked Mike to come over and let me take a picture of him.

He is so mad cute he walked over and thought the ring light is super bright!!!


And so, here is his first attempt. LOL... It is not THAT bright!

I told him to move closer to the camera, and this is attempt two:



I said, "B... You gotta open your eyes! I wanna see if the ring light will be reflected in the eyes!"

And so he did:


Poor baby, he has sensitive eyes.

Loads of inquiries about the contacts. They are from Spectacle Hut but I assure you they are not so striking/pretty IRL. Looks more grey than purple. Just the fab lighting!

Inquiry no 2 about the ring light. I bought it at Funan at $100++... That's not including the $40/60 (I forgot which) tripod. The light should be sold at any camera shop.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

London: Part 1

A great thank you to Project Alpha and MAS for flying me to London!!!

Mad sleepy for some reason so expect short captions...

Had the BEST FLIGHT EVER on the way there.

I dunno why but I guess coz it's not peak period, the plane only had 76 of us!!! ONE WHOLE GINORMOUS PLANE!!

Everyone had a 4-seat "bed" all to themselves! Service was impeccable. Food was great. Best 12 hours on a plane I ever had.

Empty empty empty!!!

Unfortunately the MAS flight on the way back was super full though. I guess the Chinese in London are going back to KL for CNY? Well, not everyday Sunday.

Taken during taxiing. ;)

Here's Niki talking to the camera while waving his slr around. So hardworking!

Jojo's so kiasu, her luggage has her surname written all over it!

Jojo and Niki leaning over my baby pink luggage. :D

After about 40 mins in a cab, we arrive at Millennium hotel!! It's right smack in the center of London Mayfair. Nice!

Look at all the posh and stuffy English people in their suits... And in contrast, David sprawled across the couch like a deflated jellybean. Hahaha

At least I THINK it's David.

Nothing to do while waiting for our keys

And there it is!

After this we take a walk out to find a place for dinner!! It only took everyone 5 mins out in the cold (about 5 degrees) to realise we all didn't have enough warm clothing, and went upstairs to pile on more. -_-

I hate being cold!!! Grrrr

And there we are at this place called Spaghetti house. Michael (left, director), Jojo (host), and Tony (cameraman).

At this point Mike arrived and walked over to meet us. He ordered pizza:

I had some fettuccine with mushroom and sausage ragout. It was ok.

David's salmon. The spinach was yummy!!

Om nom nom photo!!! Niki's vongole, Michael's... Something spaghetti. I forgot what he had.

By the time we were done it was like 10 plus or something!! SLEEPYTIME!!

Day 2:

Fleece double breasted jacket (F21), white turtleneck (This Fashion!! HAHAHA), glitter hat (Bugis V), SUPER THICK black leggings (with corduroy inside - best buy ever totally saved my life in London, and from This Fashion too at $17!), blue heart print shorts (This Fashion again), and brown lace-up wedge boots (HK). :D

My god I'm almost all decked out in This Fashion. Seriously, you just need to dig - they have good stuff!!

Here's a pic with Mike...

Anyway I took a pair of coloured contacts to London but Mike forgot to pack to the toiletries so I had no contact solution. As such, I washed my lens under the tap, and expectedly enough, it fell into the abyss below.

FML I look so hideous without my contacts. Fuck small black eyes!!

My eyes are brown with photoshop, in case you are wondering.

Mike at the lounge, waiting for our turn to be filmed. I took him to look atas and this is all he could muster. Lousy!

Fantabulously enough, we were to have lunch at Millennium's Avista restaurant - and the meal was to be cooked by a famous chef who is on Master Chef (tv show)!!!

So exciting. :D

Jojo and I

Deep fried calamari - crispy, hot and yums!!!

The black one is not due to really frying amateur skills.
It is coated with squid ink tempura.

Ok I'm not gonna apologize for the barrage of food photos ok coz this is LONDON FOOD!! Therefore must take pictures!

Incredible tuna tartar (? forgive me if I spelt it wrong and made it the teeth dirt thingy). Ok I checked and it's tartare. So tuna tartare with rocket salad. Came in a glass dome filled with smoke, and there was so much fanfare when it was opened!!!

The smoke like swirled out in a totally artsy way man!!

But I hate raw stuff so didn't eat this.

Here's our chef!! Michele. Or something similar. He is from Venice!

Yummiest freaking eggplant oozing cheese layered thingy I've EVER eaten. LOVE

One more for sashimi fans

Foie gras with beans! Looks like pate but tastes just like pan fried foie gras. Totally melts in your mouth!! LOVE

The calamari that looks chao tah. I took a bite. Not much diff from the other golden calamari.

You know what? It's like impossible to tell if this thing is charred during frying!!! Therefore it HAS to be cooked with the rest of the normal coloured tempura!! LOL

The tomatoes they had on display were so juicy, red and shiny they looked totally fake!!

Here I am with a real Pumpkin!

We requested for our mains to come kinda like tapas, so that we can try more.

This pasta thingy is filled with the juiciest softest pork ever, and comes with chestnuts. Totally chomped it down.

Potato gnocchi with something something. The pasta tastes really interesting!

At this point all of us were so full we just could eat anymore so the chef served dessert.

Chocolate with raspberry sauce at the bottom

Panna cotta with dark cherries

Queen pear with ice cream.


It was way too cold to wear my sparkly hat outdoors so I wore my furry one instead!! Also lifesaver man this hat. I hate cold ears! Bought from Accessorize!

What do you think?

Gloucester square, which was just outside our hotel. Beautiful!

Tony with camera which is ALSO wrapped up for the cold

I have no interest in buildings normally (well they mostly aren't pink, are they??!), but those in London are really different from anywhere else's! So... Victorian. Mostly.

Of course not forgetting to camwhore while we were walking

Mike and I. In case you were thinking, this photo looks like something that will be on newspapers... WELL THAT'S COZ IT'S TAKEN BY A REAL JOURNALIST!!

Niki is a reporter from The Star, the biggest English paper in Malaysia. And he takes fab pics!!

More buildings

And more!!

Ok lah this one got people, not just buildings. Everyone looks bloody rich there man. I suppose that's coz I was in the posh part of London.

And nobody wears pink except little girls. Even little girls wear black lor. -_-

SIGHTED!!! A rare pink car!!

Me with fruits. They look so colourful!

Everyone on the subway with me clearly sitting. LOL

I hate the tube btw. Most places are mad far to walk from the stations (yes, insert 'Singaporeans are too pampered' insult here) and who likes walking in the frigid cold?? Who?? URGH!

Next time I go I'm cabbing everywhere unless I can't get a cab!!

It's not that ex, maybe between 20-30 sgd. Ok what!!

Totally being prissy but it's not a trekking holiday damn it!!! If I wanted to trek in the cold I'd go to Siberia!! Well at least the ppl there have dogs to pull them and they don't need to switch dogs at interchanges. HAHAHAHA!!

But boh pian coz this time we had to shoot at touristy places and touristy places are all outdoors. Next time I just wont go in winter!

I think I threw a mini hissy fit after walking a million miles in the cold to see the London Eye... Sorry Project Alpha members!! Sorry I'm so bloody unfit!!

And thanks for the patience with me. Everyone was so being so nice!! *embarrassed face*

This is a supposedly famous angel... Once again I demonstrate my ignorance by not knowing what it is, and worse still, not caring.

Mike and I :D

I know his jacket says france (he is american) but I bought it for damn cheap ($50 - bought it one day before the trip and Mike had no winter jackets!) and france is the only logo they have!

Unbelievably enough, we saw the Texas embassy!

It was dinnertime and Ming called to spring a surprise on us.

He booked a table at a 1 Michelin star restaurant for all of us!!!!


I've NEVER had food at such a posh place before and was dying to try. :D Tytyty Boss Ming!!

Here we are

Nuffnang founders Ming and Tim

The chandeliers were gorgeous.

Ming with his friend

Mike and I again

Group photo

Here's our menu

This tasted like cream of cauliflower. Nice

Pork cubes + Parmesan biscuits

3 types of butter in salted, unsalted and Parmesan.

Here's Jojo's appetizer. She didn't want any of the 3 so I told her to get the duck egg (which nobody chose, obviously), so that we can try it.

I didn't like it. The egg was too raw and too jelat although the mushrooms at the bottom were nice.

Mine: Chose scallops coz I figured I already had foie gras that day (oh these people really spoil me).

Two freaking AWESOME scallops. Best I've ever had!! I don't know how they made just normal scallops sooooooo nice!!!

And a slab of the tender-est braised pork EVER. Oh, so delicious!!

For my main I chose the halibut with duck confit.

What a terrible disappointment. The fish was overdone and I dunno what I expect of duck confit but in my impression it was crispy?

This was just a mushy slab of dunno what. Sorry I didn't clarify. The brown thin slice is the duck confit. -_-

And the two hash brown like thingys? Nobody could tell what it was. I guess that's the salsify. It tastes like white radish/turnip.

Oh well at least the appetizer was totally awesome!

Someone else's guinea fowl. It was better than the halibut.

Here's Ming. He wasn't too pleased with the standard of the food.

Me with my raspberry dessert. Not bad but a tad sour.

Overall though, I'd still say I had an awesome experience!! Must be the company. Thanks for the treat Ming. Mad love!!

I'd leave u guys with 2 toilet photos:

Toilet bowl at Rhodes. Spotted anything weird yet?

The area around the bowl is CARPETTED!!

Now that's POSH!!! You'd expect the loo to smell like years of pee but it smells fab. I guess rich people don't drip. HAHAHAHA


Posting Day 2 up after CNY.

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Notice I didn't say anything about Valentine's Day. That's coz I don't like that holiday. Still pissed about the $350/pax shitty meal we had at Equinox last year.

p/s: DPG please let me win loads in gambling last year I won $500 in poker please please please let history repeat itself kthxbye.