Monday, September 29, 2008

Health and Hovid


I've been sent a bottle of "Anti-oxidants" by Hovid, the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers in Malaysia.

Quite frankly, throughout my life I've never taken health supplements before! When I was a kid maybe I did chew on those orangey robots vitamins, but that was it.

Mike, however, is always popping vitamin pills.

While I look at him, politely puzzled, he always just says "our bodies don't get enough vitamins".

I guess what he says has some truth in it, coz with all the junk we are eating nowadays, I think it is highly unlikely I am hitting my vitamins quota, and neither are you (if you are not some health nut).

Therefore, health supplements!!

This little bottle that they sent me says "Maxi Bio Absorption" and claims to have this thing called "Coenzyme Q10" in it. What? I don't understand what that is!

Fortunately trusty wikipedia is always around for things that matter (ahem therefore I'm on it, ahahaha!), and I was quite shocked to see how awesome this Q10 thing is!

Skipping the boring parts, in short, it helps:

Mitochondrial Disorders - Dunno what it is but I hope I don't get it.

Migraine headaches

Cancer - as a relief for cancer treatment side-effects and being investigated as a treatment.

Brain health

Cardiac arrest

Blood pressure

And even increased the lifespan of rats who take it!

It's like a miracle thing leh!!

But actually, this Q10 occurs naturally in our bodies (as well as in other things such as chicken leg/pork heart), just that most of the time we don't produce enough, or do not absorb enough of it.

This is where Q10 Supra-Bio comes in. It's absorption formula makes it easy for our bodies to absorb loads and loads of Q10!!

Wait, I hear something...

The pills want out!

These little yellow pills are chockful of Q10 goodness...

I'm gonna eat them!


Today I am going to teach you how to take your vitamins!!

Pose with your pills. No reason. Just do it.

Open bottle. Smell it a bit. Is it moldy?
Check expiry date. 1989? No? 2011? Ok good.

Pick your favourite pill of the lot!

Pop it into mouth! Don't bite, swallow!

Water to flush it down. Plus water is good for you!!

Task finished!

Show love or it won't work for you.

True story.

OK la, those were just lame excuses to cam-whore.

But seriously though... I watched Money No Enough 2 (very sad show leh...), and those of you who have seen it are probably also reminded of the importance of health.

Taking care of one's body is really crucial and people should not take a back seat and take good health for granted.

It is true! If you can't be bothered to exercise, then health supplements should be taken - after all, they are so easy... No effort needed whatsoever.

(Unless of course you are in some desert and water is very scarce so you can't swallow your pills.... But then again people in deserts probably don't take health supplements.)

So, where do you go to if you want to buy some vitamins?

It is no secret I am a big fan of online shopping, and I can't believe now you can even buy health products online!

The steps are really easy - choose your product, register, pay, and if you are in Singapore, you will get your products within one day!

Now that's what I call awesome shipping!

If you have any enquiries, the best thing is, there is a live desk of Hovid staff who are more than willing to answer your questions immediately!

No more need more long emails and waiting for replies (only to realise the person misunderstood your question. Always happens to me).

Hovid's website is exceedingly easy to navigate, and their products range from Teas to Women's Nutrition to Cardiovascular... Got a lot la!

Of course, you have to be very careful and stringent when purchasing consumable items.

Who can forget the Slim10 incidents?!

Therefore, only purchase from the most trustworthy companies!

Hovid Berhad is a listed company based in Ipoh, Perak, and has been around since 1945. It first started when Dr. Ho Kai Cheong founded Ho Yan Hor tea.


It's this one!

My dad and mom love it.

The company has since then grown into one of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world with over 300 products and distributing to over 40 countries.

I've personally had the pills and I am feeling fit as a fiddle!!

So get your much-needed vitamins today, you couch potato!

If not, get it for your elderly parents/grandparents, you unfilial person!

Click here to buy!

(Also I suspect it is cheaper to buy directly from the production company...)

Since so many of you have asked me, my lip gloss is from Chanel and its colour 106. It should cost either $40 or $30, I forgot!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Siao one

Short post before I go sleep.

I ordered Mcdelivery.

Suddenly I received 5 smses!

Yes, I got it, you "be reching soon".

Before I even have time to read all the (grammatically incorrect) messages on my frazzled phone, he called me and announced that he is at the door.

When Mike finally got the to door, he (Mike) told me that the delivery was giving him this du lan face.

Like hello? You rushing go where sia??? Deliver more shit?

And isn't it dangerous to be sending out smses on a motorbike?

AND AND........ WHY MUST I STANDBY AT MY DOOR FOR YOU AH??? I take as long as I want to answer the doorbell, goddamn it!

Actually I am not angry lah... I'm just quite amused. Why 5 smses?

Maybe within Macs also got F1 race, then the delivery guys were all competing to see who can deliver the most McNuggets within 61 trips?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New videos!


Bff challenge no 2! It involves a bikini!
Who would be the best?


Wondering how Kaykay and Paul did their magic challenge last week?
Bonus video! Finally, a magic trick that gets explained!!

Paul makes Kay kay say some truly nasty things in this one.
Don't believe me? Go watch!


Should Singapore have more homeless people?
It does seem like they are quite entertaining!


Happiness! Tomorrow I'm gonna see Lewis Hamilton! Thanks Nuffnang!!

Mike's birthday is just over and I bought him a black DS Lite and Xbox's Grand Theft Auto. Total only $300++, but he is very touched!! Hehehehe...

We went to eat a nice dinner and had melting chocolate cake with ice cream... You know the kinda cake that is warm and a bit crusty outside and the inside is molten chocolate?

Mike told me that he is gonna totally marry me if I can bake that for him, so please provide me the recipe if you have one!! Hahaha!

The previous entry is not my bestest entry ever lah... Kua kua... Now I a bit regret saying that coz I am thoroughly scared it is not up to standard... Maybe tomorrow I shall post it.

Go watch the videos!

p/s: How?!! Nanolove is totally bullying poor Picolove!! I checked and both don't have injuries leh... Should I only start worrying when there are?

Poor Pico... Keeps getting pushed off the wheel by fatass Nano!

Monday, September 22, 2008

My idol

Boo! Some people have been telling me that Dawnie called me an evil shortie! But there was no names mentioned, so she can't possibly have been referring to me, can she? Since she does not do mud-slinging, right?

Anyway, I recently had a revelation. My revelation is that I oughta be kind and benevolent. Therefore, I have decided to forgive Dawn for attempting to sue me, and to go to the other extreme.

That's right. I am now her biggest fan!!!


Afterall, what's there not to like? Her beautiful talented style of writing, her Eurasian face, her naturally big boobs, her 100% honest and god-loving demeanour. Loves!

Since I am now Dawn's biggest fan, I'd love to show my sincerity, fandom and remorse by sharing with you all my personal collection of Dawn memorabilia....

Hold your breath people!

Her most gorgeous photos, all combined into one long, eye-boggling blog entry! Yums!

These photos are mostly taken from forums, other people's facebook or photo albums, but some are from the goddess's blog herself.

I've taken the liberty to increase the contrast and size in some pictures so that we can all admire Dawn in her fullest glory. But I assure you I never photoshopped any!

Our beautiful princess in 1997

Credits to Gssq for his pictures, which has been pilfered all over the place.

Her in JC


In between her transformation from an innocent school girl to ultra beauty.

Lucky Dawn, her eyelids so deep-set naturally... Sigh

FHM cover girl! Gorgeous...

And her more recent photos...

Sexy. I love the slanted nose and chin.

Life is unfair...

Dawn's arms and chest so fair, why mine so black?

Plagiarising is hard work

Love the cleavage

Love the sharp chin

Your boobs are so big Dawn! But I have a question...

How come the lines on the wall beside them are so wavy?
I've added a pink straight line for comparison's sake.

Why ah??

*scratch head*

These pictures are taken off Dawn Wayang.

I have blurred out the words
because they are so hurtful towards my idol.

Last photo:

My favourite... Her smile lights up an entire room!

So what do you say, Dawn? Truce? I posted up so many chio photos of you leh!

I am sincere in being your fan!

And you all ah! Please do not accuse Dawn of plastic surgery, ok?!

It is 100% clear she didn't do her nose, eyes, chin and forehead!

What do you mean you are not interested in Dawn shit anymore? It's my blog and I shall post my idol's photos if I want to!

Postnote: Le sigh! Why you all ask me to lay off Dawn? You all have misunderstood me and my purely good intentions!

This entry is not about "exposing her plastic surgery", which has been done by many other malicious and horrible people. Lies! Anyway I won't blog what other people has blogged before already hor... That's just lame.

This entry is to pay tribute to her natural good looks, which, according to her, came from her Eurasian ancestry. Such a sexy god's gift to men and gay women....

Since, as Dawn once so coyly said, she has no idea why she is named the hottest blogger, I've decided to show her why via sharing my very precious photo collection of her!

Instead of appreciating it, I get scolded! Boo!!

I'm being nice ok!

And if you don't like the content on my blog please don't insult my idol or me ok! Go read something else!

(Btw in case you think someone is very piteous, think again. Out of nowhere, calling me an evil shortie? Did I start this???? HELLO??? I am not angry, but I must show that I want a truce by showing LOVE mah!)