Sunday, February 29, 2004

I'm sorry.. Really busy these few days... Plus my com is recently revived. And guess what? I kanna MsBlast within 1 hour of usage!!! Yaaay! I'm like the luckiest girl on Earth!! And I can't patch it coz my uncle (yes the same one) used a cheong CD with a cheong CD key which Microsoft recognises, so the patch cannot be installed properly! Wonderful!

If I have one wish now, I would wish that the person who created MsBlast would be raped by a raging bull with aids and herpes. And then have three satay sticks driven thru his balls. While having me roll up a vanguard sheet and hollar through that at his ear: "YOU JIAK BA BO SAI PANG IZZIT???!"

He would possibly answer, "Oh yes, yes!" since he cannot understand Hokkien since he must be Russian (Russians are evil) and thinks I am asking him whether he is sorry.

I will then drown his pets/kids one and by one and make him DAMN sorry for making my life so miserable!

Bill Gates would be eternally grateful to me and will give me 300 million bucks and I will be the richest blogger on Earth!! Wahahahaha!


But this is if I have one wish. Which I don't. If I do, I will first wish that the fucking rooster which wakes me up every 4 am will be raped by a raging bull with aids and herpes.... And it goes on. See? I'm a simple and sweet girl actually. Its just that I get bad experiences in life.

I mean, who else (besides my neighbours) has a freaking mad rooster waking them up every single day of their lives at 4 am??

Alright. My com cannot install photoshop somehow, so I shall not blog. Meanwhile, voting has started! Vote for me k, but keep in mind that tomorrow is only the second day and it will last a week. And also, votes will be set to zero every week. So yeah, vote if you wanna, now. Only for Singtel users!

SMS "Xiaxue" to 221200!!!

Repeat the number after me, loud and clear:

xiaxue to 221200

xiaxue to 221200

xiaxue to 221200

xiaxue to 221200

xiaxue to 221200

xiaxue to 221200

Each vote costs $0.20, and I reckon it will be ok if you spend like 100 bucks on me every week!

Why vote for me?

Because honestly: Have you seen a better blogger than me?! NO WAY! I am second to none! I'm a born blogger! Blogging is in my blood! Blogger (the site) only exists for ME! Reading my site is the only reason why you live! Every-fucking-body loves me!! No one isn't my fan! I make you smile! I make u laugh out loud in front of your screen, making ur mum whack you on the head to ask you if you are crazy! I make you tremble and pray as you click on your favourites, bite your nails, and open ur eyes slowly wishing and wishing so hard that there is an update!

Enough bullshit. Just vote la.

Oh yeah. And my trailer is on 98.7 FM, the ad for dreamd8... It sounds damn sexy. I am so in love with myself man.

P/s: For blogders who emailed me asking where the Edwin Yeo entry went to, you were hallucinating. There was no such entry. Madness, all of you.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Just a few news coz I have a test tomorrow and I've gotta study for it...

1) I'm pregnant, help me think of a name for my baby.


1) Anyone knows where to buy Preparation H?


1) Ok I'm serious now. I'm on the centerfold of the Newpaper if you managed to get your hands on one. More about that when I have the time. But anyway my butt looks fat in that picture (believe me it is alot nicer than what it appears to be ok!) and I look absolutely horrid. I need photoshop. I am dying without photoshop. And a PC for that matter.

2) I got my first interview with RSI, a chinese radio station which runs by Shortwaves, which means it reaches out more to a regional audience rather than merely Singaporean. You can hear my voice (speaking in crisp Mandarin!) if you wanna... This interview is merely for myself, as a blogger, and nothing to do with the Singtel competition. As soon as I know the date I would let you know!

Sincerest (if there is such a word) apologies to non-mandarin speaking blogders though...

3) I got interviewed by Lian He Zhao Bao as well but I can't seem to find the article, so if you see it tell me!!

4) I got into Mediacorp Press for my attachment!! How cool is that!

5) Voting starts on 1st March 2004, for the Dreamd8 thing.. It would be 20 cents per vote, and you can even msg me if you wanna. Click here to see how!

I suggest, however, that you save on that 20 to sms me and send me an email instead, coz I would not reply it as the 3650 that Singtel sponsored is very tough to sms with. If you really wanna show support, do vote instead.

Keep in mind however that the contest would go on for a relatively long time, and each week the votes would get deleted, so if you can only cast one vote then I hope you would do so during the later weeks I guess. IF I managed to stay in the contest long enough.

6) The launch party on Thursday was a big blast, it is really a pity for those who didn't go coz the competition would be so much more exciting should you have seen all the contestants. An interesting bunch, I would say.

Androgenous Aaron won himself a 3660 (an upgrade of 3650) coz he was the most avid supporter!! Coz my classmates bought flowers for me and AndroAaron kneeled down to present the flowers to me!!! And he got a 6 months free subscription! Gwenne got a webcam! How cool is that!

7) I lost weight! This is because my maid is gone and I am too lazy to cook! How cool is that!

Thats it!!! But I'm on a roll!! No one is luckier than me on this Earth! I'm one lucky bitch!!! Yaaaaaay!! Yeehaa!!!


On a last note, VOTE FOR ME OR DIE.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Terrrrrrrific news people!! MY COM IS DOWN!!!!

*stunned silence*


So no blogging.

If you expect me to apologize for the inconvenience caused, don't. Coz I am dying without a com myself!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

There will be a launch party for Singtel's my dreamd8's finalists, and it will be on thursday at a club... Free entry and drinks, IF you make banners for me!!!! Lalala!!!

Send me an email asap if you wanna go.. You don't need to even talk to me if you don't wanna, but if you wanna come pump my hand and say you love my blog, I'm more than happy!! Hahahaha!!

Alright, do send me an email if you wanna go!!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So far out of 125 people who read my blog, 16 of them are amoebas and 5 of which are gay amoebas.


June sent me this via email... Its a picture of a foreign worker....

Just a thought.. Have you realised that there are no fat bangalas?? This goes to show that with hard work and no money to buy good food, there's a thin bangala inside everyone wanting to climb outta those fats.

Alright, now to the picture of the really cute foreign worker:

Ladies and Gentlemen....

I present to you....

Jian gui le!!!



If you don't know whats so funny, you should watch more taiwan variety shows, baby...

Oh yeah btw. IS MY NEW TEMPLATE FREAKING NICE, OR WHAT?? I luuuuve it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

When I was younger, someone posted this question to me.

She asked, "Wendy, what do you think is the most beautiful thing on Earth?"

At that point of time, I realised that I cannot give her my answer because there are so many different beautiful things, such as the sea, such as the rainbow, etc. I can't make up my mind.

I asked many people this question, and the most common answers are invariably the sea and the sky.

WHY! Blue stuff are ugly. I hate blue.

I asked my mum and she said its diamonds.

One guy gave me a sweet answer: "Women."

June said its herself.

I'm kidding.

But anyway, as I get older, I realised what my answer would be.

It is an orgasm.

An orgasm is so beautiful because of so many reasons. It is the most powerful (or maybe sensational) form of love, it is also mostly rare for women (Bloody selfish men!), and it is one thing that has almost no bad side effects! Most of the time it is free too.

Orgasms fill people with endorphins. Endorphins make people happy.

See, when you are happy, you make everybody around you happier too, except your enemies, but of course seeing your enemies seething that u are happy will makes you happy as well, so you get even happier and ur enemies get angrier and the nice cycle goes on.

When you are happy you laugh alot and suddenly everything seems more beautiful. The world is disease-free! Dolphins are playing, the grass is green on every side, and daffodils are blossoming everywhere! What a wonderful world!

When you are filled with endorphins, people of the opposite sex are attracted to you because of the scent you emit. This is scientifically proven. So when people of the opposite sex are attracted to you, you get praises. Praises make you more confident. When you are confident you can attract more people.

An orgasm also helps you lose some fats. Now thats cool too because you will look better, unless you don't have any fats to minus from, but I don't talk to skinny people so thats their business.

Orgasms are also a form of exercise. Exercise makes you radiant and healthy. Healthy and radiant people get more suiters. Orgasms also prevent cancer and acne. Yeah right. No it doesn't.

But then... you have a truckload of people to choose from, and you pick the best, in which hopefully you can get more (and more and more! and better! longer-lasting!) orgasms from.

The "best" chosen person continues to be attracted, and he also feels that u are terrific because there are so many other people attracted to you so he must be so lucky. He doesn't know its because of him that so many people like you of course.

Lets see on the other hand how things will be without orgasms.

People can smell desperate-ness from a mile away. When u portray yourself to be desperate, you don't get sex. No sex=no orgasms. Then you become more desperate. Then it can be smelt from 2 miles away. Desperation=no sex. Then you get frantic. = no sex. Then you finally die. Life is not worth living.

In conclusion, an orgasm in the most beautiful thing on earth.

You may disagree, but thats your business. You need more orgasms to prove me correct.

Speaking of changing other people's opinion, today I worked with this really smart girl at Tiger Beer called Qingwen. We were speaking of some conflict between me and Bobby (never you mind!) and she gave me this little piece of advice, which I found was really good. She said,
"Bobby is very egoistic. Whenever you disagree with him, its like telling him in the face "YOU ARE WRONG". And whether its wrong or not, is almost always a matter of opinions.

And opinions. There are 1001 opinions everywhere. You have yours and I have mine, and what you do stand to gain to make me change my opinion to become yours? Nothing right? So just leave him as he is, even if you know he is wrong."

I shall learn to do that.

So anyway, back to orgasms.

If only I could bottle and sell orgasms, I would make millions!! How much will an average person pay for a mind-blowing thigh-throbbing spasm-inducing Endorphin Rush? $50? Depends on how long it lasts?

Imagine this! In the future, at the bus stop no one smokes anymore. They all do Wendy's big Os. Wendy's Big Os has no evil side effects while smoking causes lung cancer. Smoking makes your teeth yellow. Wendy's make you look beautiful and attractive.

People mix Wendy's with some other chemicals and it becomes an Orgasm so strong its made illegal. Thats known as drugs. No one takes heroin anymore.

Most unfortunately no one will have sex anymore, but the world is facing doomsday soon isn't it? Or maybe I can sell the Big Os in Small Os form, so people still have sex for the real thing.

Now the problem is how do I manufacture orgasms?

Yawnz. I have got to do my project.

Laters, people.

Meanwhile, I would like to say that I am on a roll. I will tell u all when I'm all prepared. =D

Good day!

Sunday, February 1, 2004

Oh no the spoof has been updated!! Please don't read it!! Eddy is EVIL!!! The spoof! Oh it ruins my life! Some people hate me!!!

BTW there are some pretty smart spammers writing on the tagboard, so anything that sounds ridiculous is not by me. I'm keeping the taggie there in case blogger fucks up on me again and thats the only way I can edit the site.

(Oh yeah to those dumbos who still don't get it, the SPOOF IS WRITTEN ENTIRELY BY ME. Yes, gasp all you want. I think its pretty well done. I laugh everytime I read it myself.)